Call for speakers
Accepting Speakers & Panelists
Deadline February 28
Apply today and join our international lineup of speakers at the 9th Annual AI Manufacturing & SCADA Technology Conference. Share your journey in transforming operational and automation systems and accelerating your digital transformation.
AIMST provides a leading forum to discuss developments in technology that are driving innovation, capabilities, and performance improvements in manufacturing, energy, water, transportation, government and oil & gas.
Topics include but are not limited to:
Artificial Intelligence
Digital Transformation
Investments & ROI
Data & Adaptive Analytics
Predictive & Preventative Maintenance
Edge Computing
Digital Twins
Cloud Based Monitoring & Control
Production Optimization
Developing New SCADA Systems
Facility & Industrial Site Monitoring
Sensors & Smart Devise Integration
Machine Vision Error Detection
Automated Visual Inspection Tool
AI & Robotics
Network Integration & Connected Environments
IIOT & Smart Manufacturing
Inventory Management
Supply Chain Optimization
Predictive Yield & Failure in Designs
Energy Management Systems
Demand and Price Forecasting
Barriers to Adoption & Lessons Learned
Standard, Compliance & Certification
How to apply or submit an abstract:
The basis of the proposal or the presentation may not be the promotion or marketing of a product. Proposals and Submissions will be accepted only electronically by email. Send your proposal in the body of your email letter or as a word doc and include supporting material as attachments.
Each abstract must include:
A short title and a summary of the presentation content (200-500 words). Include what issues/problems this session will cover, important take-aways.
Presenter(s) biography and head shot
Contact information: name, title, company, address, office phone, email address, and web site.
Desired track to speak on
Speaker Application - please email the following info
Presenter(s) biography and head shot
Contact information: name, title, company, address, office phone, email address, and web site.
Desired track to speak on